Cleaning your dump trailer is a tedious but necessary maintenance task to ensure your model lasts a lifetime. If muck and grime are allowed to sit for too long, your trailer will rust and corrode, leading to costly repairs and a shorter service life. To learn how to deep clean your dump trailer and keep your model in top condition, check out our guide below.

Prep for Cleaning

Before you start to scrub at the muck and grime stuck to your dump trailer, you’ll first want to grab a broom and trash bag and clear out all the dust, dirt, and debris sitting in your bed. Afterward, grab a hose or pressure washer and rinse out the interior of your trailer from top to bottom. Follow up by spraying the exterior of your dump trailer, making sure to get the underside of your model as well. 

Apply Cleaning Agents 

Now that your trailer is thoroughly soaked, grab a light acid wash and apply it to both the interior and exterior of your dump trailer. Once the product is applied, follow up with an automotive soap and scrub brush to remove the stuck-on gunk and grime that’s on your model. Once you’re finished, grab your pressure washer or hose and give your dump trailer a thorough rinse. Allow your model to dry in the sun, then use a few old cloths to apply a protective layer of wax to your dump trailer’s metal surfaces to avoid rust or corrosion from appearing in the future. 

Having trouble finding the right tools to get your dump trailer looking spic and span? Then make a stop here at APC Trailer to find everything you need to keep your trailer in top condition! We offer a convenient location for you to visit here in Tucson, AZ, and are proud to serve those nearby in the cities of Phoenix and Casa Grande, AZ.